Although we used a range of ages we would of like to get some clips of children, unfortunately this wasn’t possible.
We like the idea of identity and we feel Hyde Park in Leeds has a variety of people. This could be replicated in other cities/countries.
The concept could be applied to other nationalities. It would be interesting to see how other people react to the same questions
People find it hard to explain the emot
ion of cinema our ident helps answers the brief of how cinema evokes emotion universally.
The question
How does your favourite film make you feel?
I expect given the context of the filming that people will freeze under the pressure or require a moment to articulate a answer. This is normal.
The moment when people contemplate that feeling should be interesting to capture. This is what we want to film - it will probably consist of:
“You know...”
“I feel...”
“It’s like...”
One of the hardest things about creating short videos or videos in general is organisation your files. When you do more than one shoot it starts to get confusing. When your transferring the new files onto your computer you have to make sure the folders are labelled correctly in order to keep maximum efficiency.
Once you start editing files on top of shooting it gets even more confusing. I ended up with working files such as ident 1, ident 2 and final ident 3. In future shoots I will begin the process by planning how I am going to document the work before starting the work.
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