Towards the end of the last academic year I was really fed up with the process of creating a website mainly because of the development element. I it off putting to even try and design for screen as I didn't think you really could without having a knowledge of the development process.
This year I started my first brief and it was a predominantly web brief. I rebranded the Savoy I found it extremely enjoyable not planning how it would be coded, instead I just went with the design flow! This has allowed me to take on digital brief and now I think I prefer working on digital briefs because of the ease it can be published without having to think about printing and designing for print. Sometimes it can stifle your creativity especially in college when you have no way of printing.
My love for film has unfenced my decision to get involved in the film process. I created multiple short films this year for briefs which I think were fairly successful. Once you have a standard level of competence using the required software its more down to the narrative of the film and how you want it to feel, the emotion, mood you want to create. I hope to pursue this interest and take similar work on in the future.
Towards the end of this module I realised the importance of sending proposals out a potential client. I have found this is where I have gone wrong in the past. If you get a client to agree on a proposal and you both have an understanding of what you both want theres no ethical way they can turn the work down or be surprised at a result. Before starting any work I always send a PDF of example of what I'm thinking to make sure the client is thinking the same. Little things like this have made a world of difference and will continue to i the working practice especially when working with freelance work and clients.
One major achievement I have made over the three years and especially this last year is my confidence when presenting I have come on leaps and bounds if I say so myself. Regularly doing presentations has taken away the nerves and I now feel confident presenting my ideas or work to a range of people. I think the proof is when I went to the RSA recently and had to present in front of eight professionals high up in industry, I was nervous but managed to get the presentation done well.
I have managed to develop a portfolio and I think I know kind of what industry are looking for and feel confident when I present my work. Even little things about how to contact a studio and knowing what to wear to an interview.
What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
Again printing and planning has been a bit of a pain. I am looking forward in industry to working with a local printer who will work with me to send things to print. Having to print yourself is good at developing print skills but at the same time is limiting.
I mentioned in my individual evaluations thats I started the year starting briefs wrong. I started the branding process in the wrong order which was making it hard to finish the brief. For example I was starting the brief by creating a website and then applying the new brand to it after which sometimes didn't work.
I feel I have a good understanding of how to apply brand identity. I have also started creating brand guidelines with every brief which makes everything a lot easier.
This year I have realised sometimes it is best to turn down clients who are tricky. If not it can end up just wasting your time and at the end of the day you don't get paid which is what its about for me.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I feel as I have a little understanding of branding and how marketing works. I find generating ideas that could get attention is fun and maybe it will be something I tried to follow up in the future. My biggest inspiration is Red Bull which I did a spread on in my COP publication. If I can every in my life do something like Red Bull Stratos I'll be happy.
Linking to advertising I think I have a talent of dreaming on a big scale, sometimes it might not be appropriate but it seems to work. At the start of the year I kept thinking of new business ideas that I wanted to explore. It has gradually died off but its something I am going to try and do again.
Again I have improved my web skills dramatically and now can see the idea of working to design for web wit ht purpose of sending it off to a developer. This awareness came more when did an internship in the summer and spoke with the people there and they reassured me that it was fine for simply design for web.
I think one of my strongest points is typography and layout. This year I have found a passion for copywriting and writing and structuring it is really quit satisfying. I want to improve on my copy.
What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
My time keeping has always been poor and its something that I have struggled to cope with. I love the idea of something chasing me for the work within in a studio. As much as I have enjoyed the freedom and working on a brief and presenting it when I feel it is done, there could be a balance of the two different working styles.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
I would schedule better and manage my time more efficiently.
Choose better briefs that would look better in my portfolio. This was something that was probably pretty obvious to most people but I decided to put some awful ones.
Do smaller briefs with a quicker turn around to prevent stagnation. I felt like I was stuck down with big briefs for longer periods of time than maybe I should have been.
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